Meet Alison..

I began my journey in the mental health and caring professions in the late 1980s, marking over 40 years of dedication to this field. 

My career has spanned various roles, including youth worker, teacher, social worker, trainer, and mindfulness practitioner. This diverse experience naturally led me to become a therapeutic counsellor, aligning with my lifelong commitment to personal and professional growth. My aim has always been to help others while deepening my understanding of mental health treatments.

I earned my qualifications in humanistic and integrative counselling from the Bath Centre of Psychotherapy and Counselling ( This training revealed that effective personal change—what we call counselling—doesn’t necessarily require long-term sessions. In fact, sometimes less is more.

Recent advancements in therapeutic practice support the idea that integrating various therapy models can enhance client outcomes. This holistic approach is something I strongly advocate.

Throughout my life, I have faced challenges with anxiety and panic. I have invested significant time and resources in retreats to better understand and manage my own generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). My personal experiences motivated me to create The Stress Clinic, where I can provide ethical, qualified support to others navigating similar struggles.

An Introduction To...

The Stress Clinic

The Stress Clinic offers an intensive counselling retreat specifically designed to address the daily stress of living with panic and anxiety. 


This transformative 4-night residential experience provides lasting therapeutic benefits for those brave enough to engage in the work. Throughout your stay, you will receive unwavering support from your personal counsellor. If you wish, there is an option to continue personal therapy after the retreat, but this is entirely optional; the course is effective on its own.


I am a registered member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy ( and adhere to their ethical principles and codes of practice. Every member of our team is qualified and registered with a professional governing body. We follow the recommendation that therapeutic groups be limited to a maximum of 8 participants, ensuring a safe and supportive environment.

Retreat Structure and Safety

To facilitate deep therapeutic work, we limit each retreat to 8 participants, focusing specifically on recovery from panic and anxiety. 

We prioritize safety through the following measures:


All attendees complete a discovery call that includes a mental health review. This ensures appropriate counsellor matching and prevents individuals with severe mental illness from seeking help in an unsuitable environment. Our primary goal is to maintain a safe and healing atmosphere.

Qualified Staff

Our team consists of highly qualified counsellors who are skilled in facilitating therapeutic environments. Each participant is paired with an experienced personal counsellor, a safeguard rooted in trauma-informed practice. We recognize that intensive counselling can uncover historical or unresolved trauma, and we are here to support you in restoring your internal balance.

Group Dynamics

The retreat fosters mutual empathy and healing through connection. Learning about yourself and your boundaries is central to this experience, and the group dynamic plays a crucial role in that process.

Understanding Coping Mechanisms

During the retreat, you may encounter various defense mechanisms or coping strategies, such as: - Masking feelings - Caretaking others - Minimizing experiences - Dissociation - People-pleasing Becoming vulnerable in a group setting can be challenging; some may openly express emotions, while others may find it difficult to acknowledge their feelings. Our qualified staff are trained to recognize these complexities, ensuring that no one feels overlooked or burdened by their emotional processes.

Focus on Healing

Our primary mission is to maintain a safe and healing environment, allowing you to focus on restoring your happier, freer self. Daily personal therapy is an essential component of this retreat, especially when addressing the debilitating symptoms of anxiety and panic. The Stress Clinic adopts a holistic approach to education and self-regulation, equipping you with proven tools to strengthen your emotional resilience and enhance your overall well-being.

Individual Space and Support

While the retreat is a group learning experience, we recognize that everyone processes experiences uniquely. Therefore, having private individual sleeping spaces is essential for your comfort. To maintain a supportive atmosphere, our program is structured to avoid unexpected changes. Sessions are scheduled to run smoothly, with meals and breaks adhering to a set timeline. This helps create a sense of stability and reduces any feelings of chaos. The Matara Center, with its 28 acres of parklands, gardens, and woodlands, has been chosen for its serene environment. You will have the freedom to explore its calming spaces at your own pace, allowing time for reflection and processing.

Join us at ... The Stress Clinic

And begin your journey toward healing and empowerment